Vánoční bramborová ryba/ Chrismas Potato Fish
I think I am
old enough to give myself a reasonable new year's resolution. So one of the
biggest in January 2020 (apart from
visiting Nové Hrady and Terčino údolí) was to try as many recipes from Eleonora
Galasso cookbook Dolce Vita as I can. To be realistic, I decide
to try a new recipe from that book every month of the year 2020. And I can say
it was great fun. I few of those recipes have a firm place in my recipe
collection now. However, I also tried a
few, which I probably won't try again for a long time. Some really took my
breath away like porchetta, but I didnť manage to write a single word about it,
on the other hand, I manage two posts about my kitchen experiments with brioche
and mostarda. This fake Christmas fish seemed to be just the right closer
of that successfully fulfilled new
year's resolution. Honestly, don't be afraid of it. It's basically the Italian
version of potato salad. A can imagine it as a centerpiece at a New Year‘s
Party table or as a salty birthday cake for someone who doesnť fancy
- 1 kg brambor varného typu A
- 500 g konzervovaného tuňáka
- jedna menší konzerva sardelek v oleji
- 100 g vypeckovaných oliv
- 2 lžičky sušeného oregana
- 2 lžíce změklého másla
- l lžička kaparů
- 250 g majonézy
- kůra z jednoho citronu, nastrouhaná
- 2 okurky nakladačky nakrájené na kolečka
- 1 větší mrkev nakrájená na kolečka
- Brambory oloupejte a nakrájejte na kostky Uvařte je v osolené vodě, nevadí, když se trochu převaří. Musí být každopádně měkké.
- Mezitím rozmixujte sardelky, tuňáka, olivy (jednu si dejte stranou na dozdobení), máslo a oregano. Měla by vzniknout hustá pasta.
- Uvařené brambory sceďte a vhodným nástrojem je nahrubo rozmačkejte. Přidejte právě vytvořenou pastu a dobře promíchejte.
- Pokud máte doma vhodnou formu ve tvaru ryby, klidně jí využijte. Já jsem jednu takovou použila, před začátkem práce jsem jí vyložila alobalem a bramborovou směs jsem do ní rukama vtlačila. Pokud formu nemáte, budete muset rybu vymodelovat ručně.
- Rybu umístěte na vhodný servírovací talíř a povrch potřete majonézou. Z okurku a mrkve vytvořte šupiny, odloženou olivu použijte na oko.
- 1 kg of potatoes
- 500 g tuna
- 1 small can of anchovies in oil
- 100 g green olives
- 2 teaspoons of dried oregano
- 2 spoons of butter
- 1 teaspoon of
- 250 g mayonnaise
- lemon zest (from one lemon)
- 2 pickled cucumbers
- 1 medium carrot
- Peel the potatoes and chop them
or slice them. Cook them till they soft (about 25 minutes).
- Meanwhile, mix anchovies, tuna,
lemon zest, butter, and olives to create a thick mixture.
- Strain the potatoes and crush
them, then mix them with olive paste.
- Also, peel and slice the
- Now, the fun part can start. I
use a fish shape mold for gingerbread. Before I start, I cover the surface
of the mold with aluminum foil. If you don't have any suitable mold, you
can involve your fantasy and hands and create any fish you like.
- Transfer the fish to the
suitable plate. Spread mayonnaise onto the surface of the fish (leave
the head out). and arrange the slices of the vegetable onto it. The eye is
created from a leftover olive.
- Let it rest at least one hour
before serving.